Monday, April 03, 2006

It's been a long time since I added anything to the maths page... and that is because we've just been TOOOOOOOO busy. We have got really serious about maths and are trying to make drastic improvements to our basic skills. We've learnt all sorts of new techniques to solve problems, such as using partitioning or factors to solve TU x TU questions, like 25 x 32. Have a look:

Partitioning (breaking the numbers up into parts that are easier to work with)

25 x 32

Step 1. 20 x 32 = 640
Step 2. 5 x 32 = 160
Step 3. 640 + 160 = 800

Answer. 25 x 32 = 800

Factors (using numbers that multiply together to make the numbers in the question)

25 x 32

Step 1. 5 x 5 x 4 x 8

Step 2. 5 x 5 = 25
Step 3. 25 x 4 = 100
Step 4. 100 x 8 = 800

Answer. 25 x 32 = 800

Now we can choose the method we find easiest!!!


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