Sunday, November 26, 2006

We have been doing Data Handling for 6 days now - reading, recording and interpreting data from bar charts.

Take a look at this website, try the activities and then do the test. Click here

Monday, November 13, 2006

What are we doing at the moment?

We are currently working on the students' ability to:
  • Suggest suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate or measure length
  • Use, read and write standard metric units (km.m,cm,mm)
  • Be aware of the existence of imperial units of measurements
  • Convert up to 1000cm to metres and vice versa
  • Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating to solve problems
  • Measure and draw lines to the nearest millimetre

What have we done so far this year in Maths?

The students should be able to:
  • Read and write whole numbers up to at least 10000 in figures and words, and know what each digit represents
  • Read and write the vocabulary of estimation and approximation. Make and justify estimates up to about 250, and estimate a proportion
  • Recognise negative numbers in context
  • Understand the relationship between addition and subtraction
  • Count on or back in repeated steps of 1, 10, 100 or 1000
  • Identify near doubles, using known doubles
  • Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain addition and subtraction
  • Add three or four small numbers mentally
  • Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction in the context of money
  • Choose and use appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating to solve problems
  • Develop and refine methods for colum addition and subtraction of two whole numbers less than 1000
  • Extend understanding of the operations of multiplication and division and their relationship to each other and addition and subtraction
  • Use doubling or halving starting from known facts. For example: double/halve two-digit numbers by doubling/halving the tens first; to multiply by 4, double, then double again.